Multinational team of insurance professionals

This website is the property of AGIS SAS Group, it has been active for 17 years, and is available as

The AGIS SAS Group is composed of a team of multinational insurance professionals, rich of nearly 40 years of experience in the insurance industry of mass market products and more particularly in the field of international health and medical expenses programs for expatriates or impatriates, as well as programs related to the United Nations and the World Bank employees in America. We serve groups of individuals in Europe, North and South America, Asia and the Pacific area. Our team has built its experience in covering millions of people since 1977.

Schengen Visa Insurance

The Schengen VISA INSURANCE program is insured by GROUPAMA. The Emergency Assistance of this program is entrusted to MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE, a major player in the world of Assistance, which operates in more than 150 countries and covers more than 40 million people per year.